TICKETsrv has been proud to facilitate time-slot bookings for TAG (Test Assurance Group)’s Covid-19 lateral flow tests, currently in use at Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport.
Test Assurance Group (TAG) have successfully provided Covid 19 mass testing support for construction sites, care homes and airports – and now, following the Prime Minister’s recent announcement, TAG and TICKETsrv have teamed up to support the imminent re-opening of events, venues and attractions.
TAG have a software solution that supports mass testing and real-time results to turn individual testing into a realistic, on-the-day option for of events, venues and attractions. This service dovetails perfectly with the TICKETsrv booking platform so that hundreds or even thousands of visitors can buy their ticket online and then undergo testing immediately prior to entering.
“New Covid tests provide results in under 15 minutes, but the challenge is the scale and organisation required to process hundreds or even thousands of tests immediately prior to entering. With the TAG software, each medic can process between 60 and 100 tests per hour with live results being sent to either the test subject, the organisation or both.” Cliff Kirby, Board Director Test Assurance Group
TAG already work with TICKETsrv at Liverpool John Lennon Airport for a highly successful pre-flight testing programme and this manual service remains an option for testing up to 250 people per hour with results within three hours. Once the volume of test subjects goes beyond this, or results are required much more quickly, the scale of administration increases the risk of human error. This is what the TAG App was designed for – large-scale operations where 100 testers could screen 10,000 people in an hour. Using TICKETsrv and TAG be the answer you have been looking for – enabling you to become fully Covid-secure this year.
Contact us to discuss further: sales@ticketsrv.co.uk
Basic Process
- Customers book their ticket (powered by TICKETsrv) and select a timeslot for their Covid test – entry will be 20 minutes later provided they test negative.
- Every booking via TICKETsrv creates an account in the TAG App so the clinicians will know the name of every person with a ticket for entry.(Any last-minute bookings can still be made via TICKETsrv and they will be automatically added to the TAG guest list.)
- The TAG App and scanning technology is used to process the test and ensure every test kit and result can only be allocated to the correct person. The TAG app allocates a specific test to a specific person and then allows the approved clinician administrator to input results after the correct incubation time.
- Once the clinician administrator has inputted the result, the collated results are available in a number of ways:a. Live dashboard that client can monitor
b. Excel (or CSV) download from dashboard if required
c. Results can be sent direct to test subject email account
d. Results can be auto printed on site and handed to test subject physically
e. Negative results can be inputted back into the TICKETsrv platform, so certificate comes from booking platform - Any positive results are automatically re-tested at which point the venue/event policy needs to be followed.