Read on for TICKETsrv’s beginner’s guide to social media and how it can help you sell more tickets!
Duplicated posts don’t equal more engagement! Alter the text/images each time you post, even if you are re-posting on the same topic – the algorithm favours original content over a carbon copy, which will not reach many people.
Regularly include a call to action, such as ‘Book now’ with the direct ticket page url or ‘Book now – link in bio’ (see ‘Instagram’ section below for more details).
Boosting or promoting your posts by even just £5 is worth the investment – the algorithm will favour this post and reach more followers. Contact us if you need help boosting posts.
Post fresh content by using new photos; images with just a few words of text laid on top (e.g. ‘Tickets on sale now!’) or short videos shot in portrait-orientation. Use high resolution media wherever possible.
Devising fresh new content can be tricky, so try some of the following ideas:
- Countdown to gates opening (e.g. ‘Only 10 days until we open the gates!’)
- Quotes from visitors
- Behind the scenes photos/videos of your team building the event
- Images promoting key attractions
- ‘Meet the team’ photos/videos with a bio about each team member
Keep an eye on content posted by your customers/visitors – they may tag you, add the event location or use a hashtag. Follow these, share this content or bank it for future use!
Tag any relevant parties into the post – this increases the chances of reaching a new audience and the tagged partner may then re-post it themselves.
Join relevant Facebook groups in your area or follow relevant accounts and then post in the group as often as you can (within the group guidelines).
Being image and video-focussed, Instagram favours photographs and short videos (maximum 1.5 mins long) rather than graphic images. Maximise the ‘link in bio’ feature by using LinkTree or Beacons which allow you to list calls to action such as ‘Book now’, ‘Find out more’ and other links mentioned in your posts.
On LinkedIn or Instagram, use 10-15 hashtags such as #summerevent #countyshow #daysout #devon etc to get the post seen by a larger audience. Look up competitors to see which hashtags they use, or consider what you would search for as a visitor.
Facebook and Instagram have a Stories feature which is shown to your followers. Top followers are driven to your Stories. Share a post to your Story, create unique content for it, or use it as more of a ‘live blogging’ feature. Always include a link via the ‘stickers’ feature in the top right to drive ticket sales.
Consider running social media advertising – decide on your goal (more ticket sales/followers/reach) and include a mixture of photos and videos where possible in your advert design. Effective results can be achieved with a surprisingly small budget. If you need help with this, we are on-hand to assist.
For more help and advice on social media, contact us today.